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There is not cause inconvenience, "he said." But it is the potential for a change in the negotiations between the North of reserve military training while as proposed in the night market in such a context, we believe is enough to consider it, "he explained." 2032 Seoul-Pyongyang reporter asked the question of the possibility of joint Olympic bid success, "very difficult", saying "not look at the past cases have much casing efforts to attract co Olympics successful," he said.
"Replied he followed" I think even when the sanctions humanitarian aid and cultural exchange is possible, however, humanitarian assistance can now even while suffering the UN and the international community, the United States slightly (sanctions) released quality Lets you asking tried, "said" the UN sanctions exist humanitarian exchanges at the very least in a situation or sports exchanges was that spirit of today's remarks that it should be possible, "he said. also," Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games even at that time hostile Although behavior is forbidden to stop military training, but was eventually partially create a single team, the two Koreas, "said" it was the starting point to hold the inter-Korean summit, North America, "he said. Yet
苦 し く な る 時 も あ り ま し た. だ け ど, そ れ を 上 回 る く ら い 楽 し い こ と が 多 く て. こ ん な に た く さ ん の 人 の 笑顔 を 近 く で 見 る こ と が で き る お 仕事 は そ う そ う 無 い と 思 う し, こ ん な に 様 々 な お 仕事 が で き る 職業 も そ う そ う無 い と 思 い ま す. ア イ ド ル に な れ て よ か っ た! み な さ ん の お か げ で そ う 思 え ま す. 1 年 間 本 当 に あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た! 来年 も こ ん な 私 で す が, よ ろ し く お 願 い し ま す! 今年 は こ れ で ブ ロ グ の 更新 は 最後 か な? ( ∵`) it is 寂 し い ね っ っ ,, 最後 ま で 読 ん で く れ て あ り が と う ~ あ し た は, さ や か! よ ろ し く ね. そ れ で は! (**) 良 い お 年 を ~ ** 賀喜 遥 香 Hi khaki Haruka ¨) / (* ˘ * ) no ゥ today 's Christmas! (˙˙) I have been authorized - Gift for Santa? I just did not believe in Santa, who to make "Santa said yesterday, but a lot of Finland, I think the Japanese would Santa say that one person tell me", yesterday was a little bit (∵`) gifts eopeotjiman very pleased awaiting saw a dream ! content is not word
If the water flow is going to hit now people know the fact that the brain is attached properly and why panya fitted sports on fingers political quality, totalitarian ideas? Above all, now threaten Asia's ongoing and going from the rear of the Asian invasion Bukan jjunggwo yen does the sound is to stop the invasion provoked the Duke-to-be too old ~ ~ ~ Li cups containing the dew-Cola .... It's easy to throw up notgu also ㅎㄷㄷ That disc. Check the angle and speed when Trang Can I throw away good inventory ssook 163,482 times, giving awards ㅋㅋ watching me cry ride on each other and then fucking outrageous eopeotneunde haneungeo I thought I was just writing a convenient hand-what-old drama City 50 ratings
( '') And for three consecutive weeks handshake glad I both had to meet a lot get a healthy thank you ~ (picture of a flower I also put this! Thank you!) I today all day, was wearing a mat outside cold ~ (TT) Please go back to rest properly and I really appreciate that middle! ! Gone cold! For conditions with caution! I discarded immediately turned cold nose redness year
Any number think we can create a new future in that regard, "he added." I said pushing a plan to send a humanitarian fund to North Korea in Seoul, whether this approach to North Korea to persuade to accept the funds' Scott Seaman Eurasia Group Asia chief the market in question foil "North Korea seems to want an all-resolved through the North American summit," said "North Korea relations with our government, they rely a lot on the North American summit is not paying a relatively castle," he points out, followed by "rigor of sanctions
Anyone who saw the drama in the roll call would look after Jo Seung-woo ..... destination unknown. Hya ..... something that Mr. Ahn Jae Wook any feelings ....... 18th Starring: more, jeongseongyeong, Baek Yoon-sik, baknamhyeon (1997), despite the desperate situation charyeoksa, itinerant prostitute, third class underside of the unknown singer bluebird of happiness through human life is close beside us, not far away
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Kurosawa is suddenly "Where sleeping in the Showdown!" Declares the start of a tennis match. Be a Smash, which in turn man's true intention across. Indeed the direction of the tennis showdown of love and hate? 20 minutes twice a week 75,000 won monthly. I want to know mwotdo Introduction to grow grunge neulkka the skills learned 20 minutes ... got the atmosphere ... 3 seconds doeguyo next year. I'm putting together as caring classroom, after-school, school timetables wokingmam. Side'm not good athleticism. What should I do I try to yirang one of the after-school badminton and table tennis. As the 3-6 grade students and the garden is 20 people. Each lesson
Laguna was also placed candles - what do you think of childhood, as "pure straight hereinafter ''re able to bear once again the heart (˘ω˘) does not laugh Now that we are adults ... Santa is Santa himself laugh when worn on the handshake ~ ♪ Mom cosmetics, dad jacket was a gift to her baby niece っ child - sweets for Mom haejugo prepare a delicious meal, pear ate sing (˘ω˘) 2019 years remaining days will also Hang